"I never hit a shot, even in practice, without having a very sharp, in-focus picture of it in my head. It’s like a color movie. First I 'see' the ball where I want it to finish, nice and white and sitting up high on the bright green grass. Then the scene quickly changes and I 'see' the ball going there: its path, trajectory, and shape, even its behavior on landing. Then there’s a sort of fade-out, and the next scene shows me making the kind of swing that will turn the previous images into reality. Only at the end of this short, private, Hollywood spectacular do I select a club and step up to the ball."

- Jack Nicklaus, Golf My Way (1974)

  • Visualization: Audible Drill

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    Chad Habluetzel:
    Chad Habluetzel, your SWING instructor, is an expert at motor learning: the science behind t...

  • Visualization: Pose Drill

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    Chad Habluetzel:
    Chad Habluetzel, your SWING instructor, is an expert at motor learning: the science behind t...